Acumen Law Group, LLC

Business Consultation

Acumen Law counsels businesses of all sizes, crafting practical and personalized legal solutions.  We provide a full range of business consultation services designed to provide clients with shrewd and cost-efficient legal services in the following areas:

  • Business contracts: negotiate, draft and review business contracts and handle breach of contract claims
  • Purchase or sale of a business and assets: advise on business purchases and sales, including stock purchase agreements or asset purchase agreements; handle negotiations, draft and review purchase agreements and sales contracts
  • Real estate purchase and sales agreements: represent businesses who want to purchase or sell real estate, including the acquisition of new facilities or the sale of commercial real estate
  • Commercial leasing: assist commercial landlords and commercial tenants with negotiations; draft lease agreements and review commercial leases; handle lease disputes.
  • Choice of entity: assist business start ups and business entities that want to reorganize in choosing an entity to form for their business, taking into account liability and tax consequences

To discuss your current business start up or organization needs with an experienced attorney, please schedule a confidential and free consultation by calling us at (312) 212-3863.

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